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  My have examined the mechanics of shooting, various training techniques and other miscellaneous information, but have not fully covered the most important part of the shot, the "feeling". Feeling the shot is far and above all else the most critical part of the shot. Proper Biomechanics, body stability, training techniques etc. are all important, but the feeling is thecritical key to good shooting.

  我们已经考究过射箭的力学, 技巧以及各种的讯息, 但是还没有全面地讨论过射箭最重要的感觉这个环节, 相对于射箭的其他环节, 射感是高于其他一切的关键部分, 合理的生物力学动作, 身体稳定性, 训练技巧,都非常重要, 但是感觉是射箭射的好的决定因素。

  Too many times we are caught up in all the mechanical aspects of the shot in a conscious effort to hit the middle. We focus on setting our bow hand, placing our fingers on the string, setting the shoulders etc. all conscious thoughts in a step by step procedure. These mechanical processes are all good, except when we draw the bow At the moment of drawing the shot must be felt. If the draw is part of a conscious thought process, there is the danger of spending too much time trying to anchor and spending even more time


  很多时候我们沉醉于如何机械式有意识地去射中靶心, 我们注意如何调整前手, 如何在弓弦上放置手指, 调整肩膀等等, 所有都是有意识地流程性地执行一些步骤。 这些机械式的这些流程是好的, 但是, 当我们去执行拉弓的时候, 同时也会有拉弓感, 当我们有意识的地去注意感觉开弓射箭的流程, 靠位会有可能耗费太多时间, 更有可能耗费过长时间在瞄准上

  We know from experience that consciously aiming will take your mind away from the shot. it also creates additional tension in the body and forces us to waste energy trying to keep the sight pin in the middle of the target. This is not the way to shoot Olympic style (recurve) archery. The "conscious aiming" shooting style is hard work, produces poor results and frustrates our minds almost to the point of swearing, kicking dirt and breaking parts of our equipment into little bitsy pieces. Shooting good is easy and shooting poorly is hard work. If you are working too hard, try changing your focus to make the shot easier and more enjoyable.

  经验告诉我们, 过度有意识的瞄准, 会转移射箭本身的注意力(身体和动作等等), 这会引起身体额外压力, 将更多的精力消耗在如何将瞄针固定在靶心, 这种做法在反曲上是不对的, 过度有意识的瞄准是一项吃力不讨好的苦差, 造成成绩不好而且, 让人心情烦躁得有爆粗动粗或者毁坏器材的冲动。 射的好在心理上是容易让人接受的, 射的坏得话就苦了, 如果你是用功过度, 就应该改变注意力, 试试轻松一点享受一点地去射箭了

  The art of good shooting is accomplished by focusing on your motion and the target at the same time, while training your subconscious mind to place the sight pin at your "target focus point" by the time the shot (clicker if you are an Olympic style archer) goes off. Remember, if it is a windy day, the center of the target may not be your target focus point.

  射箭这门艺术, 是如何既能注意动作, 又能注意目标, 同时也训练你的潜意识如何将瞄针, 在你响片打响放箭的一刻, 放在你选择的瞄点上。 请注意, 有风的时候, 瞄点并不是靶心。

  Recently, I had the pleasure of conducting another seminar with my good friend Mr. Park, Kyung-Rae (former head coach of the Korean National Team). Mr. Park in my opinion is one ol the best archery coaches in the world, probably one of the top three. In the future, I am planning to do another seminar with him in the U.S. this coming year. If so, I urge you to attend one of Mr. Park's seminars. Even though we have conducted many seminars together around the word, I always learn something new, and this seminar was no different. I came away with some new thoughts and reconfirmation of old ones.

  最近, 我有幸和我的好朋友,韩前国家教练朴敬(Win&Win的老板)来一起举办专题会, 在我心目中朴敬来是世界上最好的三位教练之一(另外的是?), 我以后还会继续邀请他到美国举行专题会, 我希望大家多来参加他的专题会, 虽然他已经在这类举行过不少, 但是每次我都会跟他不仅学到不少新东西而且会温故知新

  Most beneficial for me was learning new ways of expressing those thoughts, especially when we consider that true understanding does not come from the words that are spoken, but the images those words generate in our minds that constitute thought and comprehension.

  我总是觉得,字句只是我们想法的一种反映。有些事情是无法只凭言语能说的确确实实的明白的, 我这次得益最多的, 是学到新的办法去表达。

  In past articles the importance of the fast shot was discussed. That fact was reemphasized a few weeks ago when I was reading an article about Annie Oakley (a favorite childhood hero of mine). She was one of the most accurate rifle, pistol and shotgun shooters in history. Ms. Oakley was asked many times how she could shoot so well, and although she never explained it the way she really wanted, the following quote is still one of the best things I have read on the subject of shooting, (which applies just as well to recurve archery as it does to shooting a gun).

  以前我们已经讨论过快节奏对射箭的重要性, 几个星期前, 我看到一篇文章又重申这个观点, 这是一篇介绍我童年最崇拜的女英雄Annie Oakley的文章。 她是历史上最准确的步枪,手枪,散弹枪之一。很多时候有人问她是怎样做到的,虽然她没能全面地表达出来, 文章里提到了她说过(虽然是射击我觉得也适合射箭):

  "The marksman who hesitates is lost, just take it for granted that you are going to hit and fire away before

  you have time to doubt the certainty of success".

  一个无顾虑的射击手,在射击的时候, 会理所当然地瞄准射击而不会有时间去推敲他那样做会多成功

  She then made the comment, (also the title of this article). "It's a matter of feeling". These words are as true today as they were in Annie Oakley's time.

  她接着说出了作为本文题目的那句话, (射击的关键)一切取决于感觉。 这句话到现在还是适用。

  She was the undisputed "wing" shooter in the world. Annie Oakley could shoot game birds 'in the head while they were flying, with a .22 rifle, not a shotgun. This feat became so easy for her that she used to make up games to give the birds a better chance. She would do things like spin around on one foot then shoot them.

  她不容置辩是世界级的打飞高手,她可以用小口径步枪去打飞行中猎物的头部, 而不是散弹枪。 打飞对于她是那么的容易, 为了给她的猎物多点公平的机会,她居然会独腿旋转身体几次后再开枪

  Her farther died when she was young and hard times followed. Young Annie learned to shoot game to help feed her family. She got so good that she started selling game to restaurants. Of course the restaurants did not want game shot in the body, so she shot them in the head.

  她练出这样技艺的原因, 是她父亲的过早去世, 她要打猎作为家粮, 她就是那样打得越来越好, 以致可以卖给餐馆, 而餐馆不喜欢猎物的身体给打烂, 所以她就只打猎物的头部

  The reason for mentioning her incredible shooting ability is to emphasize the quote above. When she made the comment that it's a matter of feeling, she was not only describing the feeling in her body, but also a feeling or connection with the target at the same time.

  长边幅介绍她的射击技能的原因, 是想强调她说过的那句话, 一切取决于感觉, 她这句话不仅说的是对身体的感觉, 而且是如何在意识上和目标连接到一起。

  The successful Korean archers learn that "feeling" the shot is the most important aspect to shooting well. When shooting at the target, look at

  the whole target and feel where you want to hit. When you can feel a connection with the target, the sight will find it's way to the center.

  回到射箭这个话题上,那些成功的韩国射手都了解射感是射箭最重要的一个环节, 当射手射一个靶, 他回去观察整个吧, 去感觉什么地方应该射中, 当射手可以和目标连接在一起, 瞄针会自己找到靶心。

  When reaching full concentration, the archer will feel a connection with the target as well as the feeling in the body, as if there were a tube from you to the target, which the arrow travels through. When feeling that connection the target will seem to come to you. The gold of the target will look very big and easy to hit.

  当注意力达到完全集中, 射手既能感觉目标同时也能感觉身体, 靶心和射手之间好像开通了一条通道, 就是从这条通道达到靶心, 当人靶合一的感觉来临, 射手会感觉到目标是那样的大那么容易击中

  From the teachings of Kyudo (traditional Japanese archery), Master Onuma said it will appear as if the point of your arrow is touching the target. When we shoot close to the target, it is easy to feel the shot, because most of us are only concentrating on our body, having no connection with the target. When we shoot at long distance we lose that feeling because we are focused on the sight and aiming, we lose the feeling of our bodies and the shot is no longer smooth or fluid. it is difficult to focus on yourself and the target at the same time.

  日本箭道的教学里, 大沼师傅说过, 射箭的时候,箭头就该好像碰到目标一样, 当我们靠近目标射箭, 会更容易得到射感, 因为我们很多时候会感觉到自己的身体, 但是没有和目标连接一起的感觉。当射远距离失去射感,是因为过度注意瞄针和瞄准, 忽略了身体本身的感觉失去连贯性, 既注意自身也注意目标不是那么容易做到的

  These are two different conscious thoughts which the conscious mind cannot deal with simultaneously,The conscious mind can think of only one thing at a time. In archery, we must focus on the target, not the sight.

  当人有意识地去做或者注意事情, 我们很难有意识地同时想着两件事情, 我们比较容易有意识地一件接着一件地去处理事情。 在射箭上, 我们如果要注意靶, 瞄针就不能清晰。

  In rifle or pistol shooting, the marksman aims at the sight, because the alignment of the sight is critical. Annie Oakley shot instinctively because there is no time to aim at a fast moving target. Aiming in recurve archery must be like aiming in Bowling, Golf, Darts or throwing a ball. Aiming is done in the subconscious mind while the conscious mind is focused on the feeling of the action. The feeling of your shot must start at the moment of the draw, it is too late if you wait until the anchor.

  步枪射击, 用瞄准器去瞄准的话, 目标和准星成一线在瞄准里是关键性的,Annie Oakley的本能式打法是没法让她去特意瞄准动态目标的。 同样的原理, 反曲的瞄准应该和保龄球, 高尔夫, 飞镖或者投篮的瞄准是一样的, 瞄准是无意识去完成而射手有意识地去注意动作感。 这种感觉在你拉弓就已经开始, 到了靠位已经太晚

  Learning to feel your shot starts with learning to feel your body Practice feeling each part of your form from your feet to your head. Feeling is a sensation, it is not thinking about the action but sensing it. Learn what it feels like rather than the thought of doing it. When discussing the preliminary steps of the form in preparation of the shot, example: placing the fingers on the string and having your mind only there, or placing your hand in the bow grip and having your mind doing only that, it is not just the thought of doing those steps, but actually feeling the sensation of each step. This process will give the clearest message to your subconscious mind for building the best possible subconscious program.

  学习怎样摸索射感开始于仔细感觉动作执行时候身体从头到脚的每个部分,感觉是知觉触觉, 是去感受, 那不是故意去想动作而是去感受动作, 感受动作的知觉是怎样的,而不是去有意识地臆想和命令身体去执行动作。 以前在讨论开弓前准备步骤的话题上, 提到过如何将手放在弦上而且要将意识放在上面, 或者如何将手放在把手上以及怎样将心思放在上面。 我们说的不仅是怎样去想(命令式的意识)怎么做这些动作, 而且是怎样感知这些动作,这样做可以培养更好的潜意识

  When shooting at the target, look at the whole target and feel where you want to hit. The distance is not important. When you can feel a connection with the target, the sight will find its way to the center (or point of focus). When you have developed this sensation through many hours of practice, your mind will have no thought and will work only in real time, i.e. no past or future thought. Each time you prepare to shoot, place your full effort into the shot. At the moment you start drawing, feel the motion of drawing the bow while intently looking at the target. Feel the motion of your drawing scapula and concentrate only on this feeling while looking at the target. Feeling the draw and looking at the target becomes "one thing" not two separate steps. Complete concentration is the total focus of your mind on the feeling or sensation at that exact moment and not the process of thinking in conscious segments. if you try to think about the target and your body at the same time, it is two different things and forces the mind to quickly shift back and forth between the two.

  射靶的时候去观靶去感觉你要打中的位置。 不要在意距离,当你有和靶连接上的感觉,你的瞄针会自己找到靶心(或者瞄点), 当你通过长时间的练习养成这种感觉, 你的头脑不会故意去想但不自觉就会去做所要做的。 不会去想过去做过的什么, 不会去想下一步该做什么, 每次准备开弓射箭, 感觉开弓的动感的同时也注意目标, 感觉你的开弓胛骨同时也看着靶, 动作和注意目标变成一件事一个动作, 而不是两个步骤, 完全的精神集中是全面将你的意识聚集在主动的感知或被动的知觉上, 去感觉当时那每一刻而不是有意识地去想步骤流程, 当你同时试图故意去命令式地去想,故意去做, 动作执行和注意目标只能是两个不同的逻辑步骤, 当你发现你自己处于这种情况的时候, 你就该去弱化这种想法让两者融合。

  Developing full concentration will also build confidence. Confidence is knowing what it feels like when it is correct and knowing you can find that feeling when you want to. The correct feeling is the one that enables you to put the arrow in the center of the target. Knowing you can find that feeling when you want to and knowing that this is the feeling that will put the arrow in the center of the target is confidence.

  意念集中的培养还会增加自信,这种自信, 是知道怎样去感觉做对了, 以及当你想去感觉的时候, 在什么时机和怎样去感觉。 正确的感觉是能让你将箭最后落在靶心的决定因素。 知道怎样去找到感觉, 知道这就是让你射中的感觉, 这就是自信。

  When drawing, feel that the drawing of the bow is in a straight line to the target. Again this is the feeling of having a line or tube extend from you to the target. This line also extends behind you. Feel that you are reaching and drawing along this line. Of course, your draw elbow will move in an arc as it should, but the feeling of drawing must be as if you were drawing in a straight line. This imaginary line is extremely important to the feeling of the shot. Immerse yourself in that feeling, no thought, only feeling. Concentrating on the target and the feeling at the same time makes the mental process and the shooting technique the same thing, "just one thing".

  开弓的时候, 感觉被拉开的弓和目标成为一线, 这是一种有一条从你通往目标的线或者通道的感觉,这线感还会延伸到你的身后, 感觉你是在这条线上用力开弓。 当然, 事实上你的后肘是在弧形运动,但是你的感觉应该是在一条线上运动的。 这条概念线在射感里是极端重要的(注解, 这条概念线, 不是随意臆想出来的, 而是凭练习, 经验,长时间的感觉去在脑海里自觉形成的), 将你自己投入到这种感觉中, 不是有意识的故意地去思想, 只是去感知, 意念集中在目标的同时感觉到你进入射箭精神状态和技巧, 应该是一体的。(转载自弓友)


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